Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Etsy's Free Shipping Guarantee series, part 2 - aka, "Things Everybody Should be Working On Anyway"

We last chatted about why Etsy offering free shipping is a good thing. Now let's discuss two reasons why you don't have to worry about the Free Shipping Guarantee ruining your Etsy sales.

1. You don't have to turn in on. How is this a good thing? If you look over your pricing and decide it's not going to be feasible, no problem! Etsy hasn't made it mandatory. You're not going to be penalized for not turning it on. (Before you say anything about the search rankings, wait for #2.) Free shipping is a good offer as a rule, but there are always exceptions- if you've got larger items or heavy items, or items that have to be packed and shipped with extra care, free shipping might just not be possible. That's fine too! Because...

2. A higher place in Etsy's search rankings does not necessarily guarantee one shop will make sales over another. If someone lands on Etsy looking for something handmade, they are not going to arbitrarily buy the first thing on the search page. 

They'll be searching using the same method anyone uses anywhere else- search, narrow their search to something more specific, narrow their search again, then look for a brand and shop they feel fits, then choose a specific item. This is a pattern most people follow when they're shopping, even if they think they're just browsing.

It's true, as I type this Etsy is causing another frenzy with the news that you might not be on the first page at all if you don't offer free shipping, and "oh-btw-83%-buy-from-page-1". Please don't panic! Most of the people who find you will find you because of your overall marketing strategy, not through Etsy search alone.

While it would be nice to be the first thing they see on a search page, there are a lot of factors at work in getting your products noticed.

Here's one: People will see your photography before they really notice where your item sits in the search rankings. Do you have a good grasp of who your target market is? Are your photos designed to catch the eye of your target market? (I'm guilty of boring, unbranded, untargeted, photos. Working on it!)

Here's another: Have you worked on refining your SEO or are you still using random tags for your items? That has an effect on where your items fall in the search results.

And one I mentioned already, are you marketing your products well on the platforms your target market is on and keeping in contact with your email list, or are you sticking only to the platforms you feel comfortable with and neglecting the people who want you to keep in touch with them? (I'll admit, I'm sooooo guilty here too. *hides face*)

In conclusion... the good news: While being higher in the search rankings is a nice bonus, it shouldn't be what any seller pins their hopes on to get sales. Whether you decide to use Etsy's Free Shipping Guarantee or not, working on your target market, clear branding, and marketing, will put you ahead of many of the sellers on Etsy. (For example, when someone finds me, it's usually through Instagram or Pinterest, not the Etsy search. My "people" are also on YouTube, which for most Etsy sellers is a completely untapped resource!)

Next time, we'll chat about things to consider whether or not you decide to use the Free Shipping Guarantee.

In the meantime, let me know what aspect of your marketing strategy you're trying to improve on...

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Saturday, September 7, 2019

My take on Etsy's Free Shipping Guarantee, part 1 - It Really Will Be OK!

It's been a while since Etsy introduced this new program but there is still a lot of division in the camp about it. Popular bloggers and YouTubers have panned the idea in very strong terms, and nearly every day I see angry comments on social media where someone thinks it's unfair, honestly believes that Etsy is trying to kill their business, or has decided to leave Etsy and try and sell on another platform.

I'm going to take the next few posts to discuss a few positive points about Etsy's free shipping guarantee, including some things to keep in mind whether you turn in on for your shop or not.

I have to admit that the negative response in many places was a surprise to me! My first feeling when I heard about the Guarantee was excitement. Offering free shipping is a win for many businesses- studies have been done that show, oddly enough, that more people are more likely to buy more items when a shop offers free shipping. For example, you're on Amazon looking for something and choose a $25 item with free shipping over exactly the same item where the price is $20 plus $4.99 shipping. Or you're buying online and spend $10 extra so you don't have to pay that pesky $5 shipping fee. It doesn't seem to make sense, yet most of us have done it!

Etsy getting onboard with offering free shipping is a good thing for Etsy sellers. Etsy wants more people to buy more things from more small businesses.

I have a feeling Etsy urges free shipping to get more people to come to the website and shop, instead of shopping through Handmade on Amazon or finding a brand through a web search. Etsy wants to be THE place to get all things handmade, so they're helping us sellers stay competitive with these other sites. They've added the incentive of placing items with free shipping higher in the search rankings, but this shouldn't worry you if you decide not to turn the guarantee on. (More on that in the coming days.)

Stick with me over the next few posts while I talk all things free shipping. 

(And let me know in the comments if you're one of the many who will spend $10 extra not to have to pay $5 shipping!)

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